Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week 7, Lab 6: DEMs in ArcGIS

I selected a mountainous region outside of the East Bay in Northern California. I chose this location because I am from the Bay Area and was interested to see what a 3D elevation model would look like (of the region that I am from). The extent and datum information is listed below the 2 maps, taken from the USGS seamless website.

Extent (in decimal degrees):
top: 38.2913888882
left: -119.951388889
right: -119.391388889
bottom: 37.904166666

GCS North American 1983

Shaded relief model(s) of the area using a color-ramped DEM layered above a hillshade model:

A slope map of the location:

Aspect maps of the location:

A 3D image of the location:

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